
run custom shell-scripts after QTS NAS QPKG re-integration.

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RunLast creates an environment to run commands or shell-scripts after QPKG re-integration during QTS NAS bootup.

This allows you to run scripts dependent on QPKGs during QTS startup.

The aim of this project is to support all QNAP NAS models and all QTS & QuTS hero versions. Please advise if you encounter any errors when running it on your NAS.

What it does

This package creates two scripts directories in the package installation path:

Place your SysV-style scripts in the init.d directory. These will be executed with a start parameter after NAS startup, and with a stop parameter before NAS shutdown. Scripts in the scripts directory will be executed only during startup, and always after the custom init.d start script execution.



cd $(getcfg RunLast Scripts_Path -f /etc/config/qpkg.conf)
cd $(getcfg RunLast SysV_Path -f /etc/config/qpkg.conf)